Unbullied - Group Masterclasses
Learn to become Unbullied using these techniques I developed from my own personal experiences of bullying. These classes are offered in a group setting encouraging idea sharing.
Starting April 7, 2021, every Wednesday evening at 7PM CST - for 5 weeks.
April 6th, 2021 - Noon CST.
Understanding the differences between rude/impolite behaviour, mean/nasty behaviour and bullying. Verbal bullying - what to do in the moment, short term solutions/techniques: The Somersault, The Unexpected Response Technique. Verbal bullying - longer term solutions to end the bullying: a brief overview of The Loudspeaker Technique. Personal development - Overcoming the trauma caused by verbal bullying. I AM Statements. Lesson Assets - Workbook: Verbal Bullying - Game Plan Toolkit
Categorizing the different types of social bullying: isolating from others, pranks, spreading rumours, tarnishing one’s image in social circles. Social bullying - learning the UR technique: the Unexpected Response Technique (short term solutions) Social bullying - mastering the LT technique: the Loudspeaker Technique (long term solution) Lesson Assets - Workbook: Social Bullying - Game Plan Toolkit
Differentiating between “rough housing” and physical bullying. Physical Bullying - Master the “Locked and Loaded” technique - a long term solution to physical bullying. Physical Bullying - how do you protect yourself in the moment? Explore short term solutions to escape from your bully. Lesson Assets - Workbook: Physical Bullying - Game Plan Toolkit
Exploring the ways bullying is taken online - harassment, humiliation, spreading of rumours through different online platforms including creating fake websites to tarnish one’s reputation. Cyberbullying - Learn how to apply the UR (Unexpected Response technique) to cyberbullying for an immediate short term solution. Cyberbullying - Following a step by step plan, master long term techniques in addition to short term solutions to put an permanent end to cyberbullying. Review of online safety tips. Lesson Assets - Workbook: Cyberbullying - Game Plan Toolkit
THE loudspeaker technique
A must masterclass for those struggling to be seen and heard by anyone who can help. Students are walked through a step by step guide to draft their own plan to approach those in authority to put an end to the bullying. This detailed plan provides solutions on: how to approach the person who can help, conversation starters, communicating the trauma faced by the target clearly, devising a plan of action as well as a plan to follow up with the authority figure. This plan also covers responses to any objections that the authority figure may raise. Lesson Assets - Workbook: The Loudspeaker Technique - Game Plan Toolkit
Curious to know my teaching style? I was a guest host on this Quantum Alignment Show, where we learnt how to identify the unseen and unspoken effects of bullying which are amplified in our Undefined/Open Centers. We learnt what you, as a parent, can do to recognize these telltale signs and master the steps you can take to help your child heal:
I am looking forward to taking what we learnt on this show to the next level with my masterclasses! If you are ready to go deep into rewriting the “Bullied” narrative in your life, I invite you to join me, a Level 3 Quantum Human Design Specialist as I take you on a 5 week journey to becoming Unbullied.
Starting April 7, 2021, every Wednesday evening at 7PM CST - for 5 weeks.
April 6th, 2021 - Noon CST.
Register for these classes here below: